Monday, July 02, 2007

Pre-conference posts 2 July

House of Blues, Dallas

What to do at the conference?
Magical Musings: hanging at the bar

A tiara for the awards ceremony?
At Home with Pamela Clare

Tips for National
Kelly's Place

Never go shoe shopping when drunk
Being Bonnie Vanak

Official RWA Live Blogger (one of many)
Jenna's Romantic Notions: scroll down for RWA bit

Hippest Live Blogger
Sonja Faust: she will be blogging via her new iPhone.

Most Glam Prep
Kristen Painter: spray tans for RWA

Best Shoes
Shirley Jump

CyberSavvy For Over A Decade
Likes Books blogged from RWA National in Dallas in 1996.

Romance Novel TV will be filming during National
Romance Novel TV

Was it worth the savings?
RWA negotiated with Marriott to get a good deal on conference costs across a number of years, but looking at the reviews for the Adam's Mark in Dallas, was it worth it? Next year's hotel looks wonderful, so maybe it all evens out? :)

Who/what am I missing?
Leave a comment if there are any other good pre-conference posts or folks who will definitely be blogging (text/audio/video/photo) about National either during or after. Contribute a new URL (not already in blogroll) by midnight 10 July and be entered into a drawing for a copy of any 2007 book from any RWA author.

CC-licensed photos via Flickr: here (CC) and here (CC)


At Monday, July 02, 2007 11:24:00 AM, Blogger Sonja Foust said... That's my pre-conference blog post. :-)

At Monday, July 02, 2007 11:24:00 AM, Blogger Sonja Foust said...

iPhone Fun at Nationals (trying again since the link got cut off)

At Monday, July 02, 2007 6:30:00 PM, Blogger AngBreidenbach said...

This is such a cool blog idea:-) I'll be posting during the RWA nationals as long as I can get internet. No matter what, I'll be posting even if it is afterwards. But my intention is evenings (really late) during nationals. I'm very excited because I'm up for a place in the Touched By Love contest through the FHL subchapter of RWA. I'll let you all know via my blog late on July 11th/cusp of the 12th:-)

Thank you Jude for including me. That was so thoughtful.

PS So I'll also post on the FHL mini conference and any other subchapters I belong to as long as I find them in the mad house.

At Monday, July 02, 2007 6:34:00 PM, Blogger Jude said...

It'll be great to get your reports on the miniworkshops and meetings through the conference. Good luck on your contest entry!

At Monday, July 02, 2007 8:51:00 PM, Blogger Edie Ramer said...

Hi Jude, you already have the MagicalMusings name on your blogging roll. I wish I'd known about your site last year. I'll mention it on my blog this Thursday.

At Monday, July 02, 2007 8:55:00 PM, Blogger Jude said...

Hey Edie -- Thanks for helping to spread the word. For those of us not attending the conference, the more the merrier when it comes to blog posts from Dallas. :)

At Tuesday, July 03, 2007 2:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I plan on taking some photos, interviewing a few authors, and hopefully posting tidbits back to
and perhaps other places.

How much I can do from the conference hotel is another story altogether. Attempting it last year was a royal pain in the connectivity butt.

I did set up my personal Twitter and plan on twittering tidbits via texting...
But as far as pictures and interviews, I don't know.

The conference hotel charges for wireless -- what, $10/day? Too bad someone doesn't have one of those Airport Express things. Someone could set one of those up and then re-lease out the wireless time on the cheap.

I'll be easy enough to spot. I'll be the man in the lobby with the cameras.

At Tuesday, July 03, 2007 2:40:00 PM, Blogger Jude said...

Hey Walt! I think I met you briefly last year at the Atlanta literacy signing. You were making jokes to other people with big cameras about paparazzi.

Anyway I added your Twitter info to the blogroll. If nothing else, it will be fun for people to learn more about the service. Very handy at large conferences when friends are trying to organize to meet.

At Tuesday, July 03, 2007 2:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem! Thanks for adding me in! Of course, my Twitter between now and then will not have much RWA chatter on it, but more like what I had for dinner...

At Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:11:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for including me Jude. I read that this would be up during the conference but never imagined being linked up to it. I will try to do the honor justice.

It will be my first National, so plenty of star-struck information is sure to come.

At Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:39:00 PM, Blogger Jude said...

Welcome Lynn! My first National was last summer in Atlanta, and it was a wonderful and exhausting time. I am already looking forward to San Fran in 2008!


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